Dunnellon Women of the Moose Chapter 1662 member, Beverly Lowe, has spent a lifetime making an impact on the lives of others.
From children’s toys for needy families and shelters, to receiving blankets and tiny bonnets for premature babies at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, burial gowns for infants who were born too early and never went home, the Dunnellon WOTM Chapter member has always focused on what she can do with her talents to help others.
“My mom taught me how to sew when I was very young,” Beverly Lowe said.
Today, she crochets caps for cancer patients and blankets for elderly patients in assisted living and nursing homes. She donated the first batch July 30, 2022.
“It’s something that I can do to help someone and to support people that I know who have had cancer and not survived, and had cancer and have survived,” Beverly Lowe said.
To date, Lowe has made and donated 296 caps. It takes her three hours to produce one cap. That time is then provided to the Chapter to put into the mix of volunteer hours each month.
“It gives me a chance to help the Chapter too,” Lowe said.
Senior Regent Selina Moore takes the finished caps to two area oncologist offices.
The blankets are taken to patients during the Chapter’s annual Christmas Party at Always There Assisted Living in Citrus Springs, and those closer to her home in Floral City.
Her lifelong volunteer efforts did not go unnoticed when, in 1999, Lowe earned the International Novice Co-Worker of the Year.
“The Shining Star, it was presented to me by Barbara McPherson when she was Ritual Sports Director.
Today, McPherson is the Grand Chancellor of the Women of the Moose.
“I didn’t aspire for greatness, I just wanted to make people happy, make people comfortable, and make what people needed,” she said.
Beverly Lowe joined the Moose fraternity in 1997. In addition to her community service efforts, she was a member of the ritual team and earned first place accolades at both the state and international level. She is a life member of the Moose Fraternity.